Frequently Asked Questions

What stop motion is?

Stop motion animation (also called stop frame animation) is animation that is captured one frame at time, with physical objects that are moved between frames. When you play back the sequence of images rapidly, it creates the illusion of movement. In this technique everything is handmade, every little detail must be sculpted and painted. Characters in puppet animation have a special skeleton that allows them to move and stay in the position, then the rest of the body must be fabricated by hand. Then we animate the character, it takes 12 or 24 separate pictures to make 1 second of animation.

How much do you charge for a project?

Every project is different and it really depends on few aspects:

  • duration time

  • number of characters

  • number of locations/ scenography/ background

  • technique and materials used

  • complexity of a project

    If you have any doubts- leave me a message. I’ll try to help and explain the process of production.

How much does it take to make 3 min music video?

As said before it really depend on a project. A 3 min video can take about 3 months or more.